The entire neurological system, which originates in the brain, travels via the spine, and branches out to all parts of the body, is dealt with by neurosurgeons. Pain is frequently transmitted across the neurological system when it is felt. Neurosurgeons provide pain relief for a wide range of severe illnesses, including sciatica, pinched nerves, back pain, epilepsy, stroke, and chronic pain. These conditions could be present in one location but not in another. For instance, neck spinal disc issues may be connected to carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Most people picture neurosurgeons as specialists who undertake difficult operations. Although neurosurgeons are capable of performing intricate surgical procedures in the spine and brain, conservative or non-surgical treatment is frequently recommended. Most neurosurgeons will diagnose your condition and develop a treatment plan that is progressive in nature. For instance, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and other non-surgical methods may be used to manage back pain medically. The neurosurgeons can execute the required surgery if your condition has outgrown these methods of treatment and if it is necessary.
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